Antique Car Show

Antique Car Show

By Sara Nadeau Carriage Hill hosted an antique car show this week for residents and resident family members with the assistance of Garland’s Garage of Madbury. A special thanks to Bob Garland, owner of Garland’s Garage, for assisting with coordinating the show and to...
Summer Bash

Summer Bash

By Sara Nadeau Carriage Hill’s residents and family members enjoyed our Annual Summer Bash on Saturday! This event featured a traditional summer cook out and a wonderful musical performance by the Seacoast Men of Harmony. This barbershop quartet-style performance...
Summer Bash

Residents Enjoy New Hampshire Summer

By Sara Nadeau Carriage Hill’s residents are enjoying a taste of New Hampshire summer! This past Monday, residents enjoyed an hour-long guided Portsmouth Harbor Cruise on a perfect June day! On Thursday, residents were treated to a cook out at Hilton Park in...
Carriage Hill Sponsors 9th Annual Bobcat Bolt

Carriage Hill Sponsors 9th Annual Bobcat Bolt

By Sara Nadeau Carriage Hill was a sponsor of the 9th Annual Bobcat Bolt, a scholarship 5K race through Oyster River High School in memory of alumni Josh and Nate Hardy. The race was held this past Saturday, June 17th, with the start and finish lines at the High...
Flag Pole Graces Lawn of Carriage Hill

Flag Pole Graces Lawn of Carriage Hill

By Sara Nadeau We are pleased to now have a flag pole on the front lawn at Carriage Hill. We will proudly be flying the American flag. Residents are appreciating the addition as the flag is visible from the patio and all of our front rooms and common areas, adding...
Spring Sunset

Spring Sunset

By Sara Nadeau Carriage Hill residents enjoyed a beautiful sunset the evening of June 8th. Our residence is fortunate to be located across from the University of New Hampshire Kingman Farm fields. This location provides frequent views of gorgeous evening sunsets!...