Carriage Hill Assisted Living provides hospice care for its residents as they age in place as well as accepts residents on hospice at the time of admission. Hospice care is provided in partnership with a hospice care agency of the resident’s/resident’s family’s choice. We are happy to work with any hospice agency but will recommend our preferred agencies in the event a resident/family does not have a prior relationship or preference of provider.
The goal of our hospice care overall is to ensure the resident’s comfort and to provide a supportive environment for both the resident and the resident’s family. Our clinical staff members are experienced in providing hospice care. We work to effectively and efficiently coordinate required services with the hospice agency to provide the highest quality of medical and personal care.
Hospice services include all of the Services & Amenities (see handout) that are available to our permanent residents, including a private bedroom and bathroom, access to activities, housekeeping, laundry, meals and medical care. Our high staff to resident ratio allows us to provide dedicated, personalized care, particularly to our hospice residents. Our current monthly rate for hospice care is $6800 per month.
![Hospice Hospice](
For more information about hospice care, contact our clinical staff at (603) 343-4475 or
Get in touch with us
We welcome your interest in Carriage Hill Assisted Living, whether you are looking for residency for yourself or a family member now or in the future or have general questions about our residence or assisted living in NH.
Please contact us by phone at (603) 343-4475 or complete the contact form.