Our Story

Carriage Hill Assisted Living

Our story is a simple one that starts with good old-fashioned Yankee hospitality and the knowledge that what makes New Hampshire special is its people and families. Carriage Hill starts with owners Sara Berndtson Nadeau, Al Nadeau and Jason Berndtson and their family. They live and work in and around Madbury New Hampshire. Sara is a healthcare administrator, Jason is a building contractor and Al is an electrician. They worked closely together to design and build Carriage Hill into a wonderful facility for senior housing NH.

Our Name

Sara and Jason’s Father learned to build and restore horse drawn carriages from his Father, renowned wheelwright and carriage restorer, Everett Berndtson, who built and restored hundreds of carriages still in use around the country.

While Everett passed away in 1999, he lives on in his carriages, several of which are still owned by the Berndtson family. “We named our assisted living NH home, Carriage Hill because of my Father’ and Grandfather’s love of horses, carriages and–most of all–people,” says Sara. “My brother and his team of craftsman are building Carriage Hill with the same love and devotion that my Grandfather gave to building carriages,” she said. “It’s why we will so proudly display the carriages on the Carriage Hill grounds.”

Everett Berndtson Works on a Carriage

Everett Berndtson Works on a Carriage


Get in touch with us

We welcome your interest in Carriage Hill Assisted Living, whether you are looking for residency for yourself or a family member now or in the future or have general questions about our residence or assisted living in NH.

Please contact us by phone at (603) 343-4475 or complete the contact form.

*Please note we do not share your contact information and will not contact you except as requested via the contact form.