Choice: Supporting Residents

Aug 31, 2015 | News

By Sara Nadeau

A common theme has emerged in the last several weeks from potential residents and family members inquiring about our facility and services: the level of resident choice. Specifically, the inquiries have centered on choice of primary care and specialty providers and third party service providers for care such as physical therapy, occupational therapy and hospice, once they become residents. At Carriage Hill Assisted Living, residents are free to select the providers of their choice for these services!

Our role is to make recommendations, if residents and family members are not familiar with available service providers in the seacoast NH area, and to develop a strong preferred provider relationship with third party service providers in the area to ensure high quality of care and a strong rapport and working relationship, but to support the resident and their family members once a selection is made, regardless of the selection. Our role is to facilitate! Residents and their family members are encouraged and supported in making choices that are the best fit for them as unique individuals.

If you are considering residency, Carriage Hill Assisted Living is now accepting applications! Learn more about our residence and assisted living facilities NH at or call (603) 343-4475. Among your choices for senior housing NH, Carriage Hill is unique in its smaller size, home –like environment and high staff to resident ratios. Find out why we are assisted living NH at its best!