Age of Champions Event

Age of Champions Event

By Sara Nadeau Carriage Hill Assisted Living will host a table at the Age of Champions event at the UNH Field House on April 23rd from 9 AM – 12 PM! Our attendance is in support of our six UNH Recreation Management & Policy students that have been completing a...
Age of Champions Event

Carriage Hill & Sweetened Memories

Carriage Hill & Sweetened Memories By Sara Nadeau A special thanks to Kathy Shattuck of Sweetened Memories bakery in Durham, NH who did a cake decorating demonstration for residents on April 7th! Kathy will be a monthly guest, decorating a special cake to...
Age of Champions Event

Carriage Hill Begins Landscaping

By Sara Nadeau Due to the timing of our construction, landscaping was not finished last fall prior to the opening of our residence. With the early arrival of spring this year, final landscaping will begin soon. We look forward to green grass and completion of our...
Age of Champions Event

Carriage Hill Promotes Hospice and Respite Care Expertise

By Sara Nadeau Carriage Hill Assisted Living has been receiving significant praise from residents and their family members for the respite care and hospice services that have been provided since opening in December. With respect to hospice, not only does the clinical...
Age of Champions Event

Carriage Hill Offers New Services

By Sara Nadeau We are pleased to announce three new services and affiliations for our Carriage Hill residents! On site phlebotomy services will be provided no later than April through a partnership with the Wentworth-Douglass Hospital Lab. Shellley Drake, a licensed...
Carriage Hill Showcases Interior Photos

Carriage Hill Showcases Interior Photos

By Sara Nadeau Carriage Hill Assisted Living will be updating its website with interior photos! Now that construction is complete and the residence is operational, photos will be posted within the next week to showcase our home-like environment and antique décor....